Psalms 75 and 76 from my new book:
Praying the Psalms: a modern interpretation
Psalms 75 and 76 from my new book:
Praying the Psalms: a modern interpretation

I present here a new perspective on the psalms. I have rewritten them from a New
Testament Christ-centered point of view. I did not try to capture the poetry of the
psalms – I leave that to more gifted writers – but I attempted to capture their message
with a more modern interpretation.
Testament Christ-centered point of view. I did not try to capture the poetry of the
psalms – I leave that to more gifted writers – but I attempted to capture their message
with a more modern interpretation.
God bless,
Psalm 75
(A prophecy concerning
Christ and the Last Judgment.)
e will praise you when
we appear before your Judgment Seat, O Lord, and tell of all the wonders that
you have worked. I remember your warning to the ungodly: “In the fullness of
time, the earth, which I firmly established myself, and all its people will
vanish, and I will deliver my judgment. I warned you not to break my
commandments, to cease boasting of your evil acts, and stop accusing me of
acting wrongfully. You look high and low for ways to justify your sins, but I
alone am your judge. I decide who is condemned or rewarded,
and sinners will drink deeply from the cup of my justice.”
As for me, I will rejoice forever in my Father’s
house, for he will crush the sinner, but exalt the righteous. Amen.31
(A prophecy concerning the battle between the kingdom
of light and the kingdom of darkness.)
n the beginning, before the Lord incarnated on earth,
the Almighty’s kingdom of heaven was a place of peace. But then Satan and his
followers rose up in rebellion, and God and his angels defeated them and cast
them out. What a wondrous city of light heaven must be! It casts its glow over
all of creation, disturbing the sinner, sending the rich away empty-handed, and
weakening those who wage war.
You are awe-inspiring, Lord. Who could challenge
you? Satan tried to dethrone you in heaven, but that effort failed.
Unfortunately, the devil was more successful on earth spreading his lies and
leading your people to grievous sin. But then came the day of your great wrath.
You rose up and sent your Son to defeat Satan and his minions once and for all
and save the innocent. The earth held its breath in anticipation of the arrival
of its savior. The rest is history.
We thank you, Father, from the bottom of our hearts
for saving us. Let us all pray and follow the path of Christ. Let us bring
gifts of praise and thanksgiving to the One who destroys the powerful and
instills fear in kings. Amen.32
Cover image: Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator)." Web. 25 Sept 2016.
"Creative Commons License." Web. 18 May 2016.
31The Orthodox Study Bible. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008), 731.
"Creative Commons License." Web. 18 May 2016.
31The Orthodox Study Bible. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008), 731.
Scriptural quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
60189. All rights reserved.
60189. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2016 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must
be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is
offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God.
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