Thursday, May 4, 2017

Psalms 61 and 62 from my new book:

Praying the Psalms: a modern interpretation

A New Look at the Old Psalms


I present here a new perspective on the psalms. I have rewritten them from a New 
Testament Christ-centered point of view. I did not try to capture the poetry of the 
psalms – I leave that to more gifted writers – but I attempted to capture their message
with a more modern interpretation.
God bless,

Psalm 61

(Christ, the King, thanks the Father for his saving grace and vows to continue his work of expanding his kingdom.)

" F
ather, hear my prayer. In my desolation and anguish, I called out for your help, and you led me to safety. I trusted in you, and your great strength defended me against my enemies. Because you answered my prayer, I and my Church will live in your presence for eternity. My kingdom of mercy and truth will never end. I will praise your name forever, Father, and fulfill my sacred promise to build your Church. Amen.”20

Psalm 62

(Jesus prays for his Church whom he urges to submit to the Father.)

" S
ubmit yourselves to the Father, for he is your God and salvation. He is your rock, and you shall not be moved. My enemies attacked me relentlessly because they thought I was weak. They sought to discredit my teachings with their lies, even as I longed to save them. They praised me with words, but condemned me in their hearts. I surrendered my will to God, and he gave me the patience to endure. He is your God, savior, and helper. He has brought you to glory. With him, nothing can overcome you. Hope, trust, and confide in him, for he will always be there to assist you.

Do not put your trust in men. They lie and cheat each other. Do not succumb to their weaknesses, like obsessing over acquiring great wealth. All power and mercy come from God. He will reward you according to your just deeds, not because of the wealth or status you attained on earth. Amen.”21


Cover image: Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator)." Web. 25 Sept 2016.
"Creative Commons License." Web. 18 May 2016.

20The Orthodox Study Bible. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008), 721.

This book and other books I have written are posted for your reading pleasure at Booksie.

Scriptural quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois
60189. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2016 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must 
be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is 
offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God.

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