"I have acknowledged my sin to thee, and my injustice I have not concealed. I said I will confess against my self my injustice to the Lord: and thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my sin." (Psalm 32:5)
Meditation: Each day is a new day with no mistakes in it because I am forgiven.
Meditation: Each day is a new day with no mistakes in it because I am forgiven.
"Thou art my refuge from the trouble which hath encompassed me: my joy, deliver me from them that surround me." (Psalm 32:7)
Meditation: The Lord guides me down delightful paths. All his ways are satisfying.
Here is the fifth prayer from my book, 100 Prayers of Purity for the Mission of Our Lady of America. Enjoy!
Prayer 5

Madonna in Glory1
O Father! O Son! O Holy Spirit! O Holy Trinity! O Jesus! O Mary! O ye blessed angels of God, all ye Saints of Paradise, men and women, obtain for me these graces, which I ask through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ: ever to do the holy will of God, ever to live in union with God, not to think of anything but God, to love God alone, to do all for God, to seek only the glory of God, to sanctify myself solely for God, to know well my own utter nothingness, ever to know more and more the will of my God, Amen.9
1"Madonna in Glory." Web. 18 May 2016.
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ File:Dolci_ Madonna_ p1070185.jpg>
9"The Prayers and Petitions. The Raccolta. Web. 11 May 2016. <http://www.liturgialatina.org/raccolta/almighty.htm>.
Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.
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