"For the righteous LORD loves justice. The virtuous will see his face." (Psalm 11:7)
Meditation: Lord, help me to do what is right and just for I long to see your face.
"The LORD’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." (Psalm 12:6)
Meditation: Can we trust in God's word? in 1931, Jesus instructed Saint Faustina to inscribe at the bottom of the Divine Mercy image he commissioned her to paint: "Jesus, I trust in you." If we can trust Jesus, we can certainly trust his Father.
Here's the 10th excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Institution of the Eucharist
Our Lord awaited Passover evening
To share with His friends His body and blood.
They'd need His strength before the night was through
To endure the pain of His suffering.
While they were eating, He took up the bread,
Blessed and broke it, gave thanks to His Father.
This is My Body. Take it and eat,
That hunger for eternal life be fed.
Then He took the cup and gave it to them.
This cup is My blood I give up for you.
Remember Me, this covenant I make,
So that you may live and not be condemned.
We seek intimacy, O Lord, with Thee.
Sate our hunger, O Manna from heaven.
Slake our thirst, Fountain of living water.
O Christ, forever make Your home in me.
Let us eat the bread of eternal life.
Let us drink from the cup of salvation.
That we may encounter heaven on earth,
And find peace in this world of strife.
To share with His friends His body and blood.
They'd need His strength before the night was through
To endure the pain of His suffering.
While they were eating, He took up the bread,
Blessed and broke it, gave thanks to His Father.
This is My Body. Take it and eat,
That hunger for eternal life be fed.
Then He took the cup and gave it to them.
This cup is My blood I give up for you.
Remember Me, this covenant I make,
So that you may live and not be condemned.
We seek intimacy, O Lord, with Thee.
Sate our hunger, O Manna from heaven.
Slake our thirst, Fountain of living water.
O Christ, forever make Your home in me.
Let us eat the bread of eternal life.
Let us drink from the cup of salvation.
That we may encounter heaven on earth,
And find peace in this world of strife.
Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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