Friday, September 30, 2016

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 136:1 (NLT)

Meditation: I am without fear or anxiety because God's faithful love endures forever.

"Give thanks to him who led his people through the wilderness. 
His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 136:16 (NLT)

Meditation: The Lord leads me through the wilderness to peaceful streams.

"Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 136:26 (NLT)

Meditation: The Lord is my helper. He will not leave me without support. His faithful love endures forever.


Here is Psalm 4 from my book, "Praying the Psalms for the Unborn Child." 

Psalm 4 

Agony in the Garden
Evening Prayer of Trust in God.
1Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have relieved me in my distress;
Be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

2O sons of men, how long will my honor become a reproach?
How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception?

3But know that the LORD has set apart the godly man for Himself;
The LORD hears when I call to Him.

4Tremble, and do not sin;
Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still.

5Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And trust in the LORD.

6Many are saying, "Who will show us any good?"
Lift up the light of Your countenance upon us, O LORD!
7You have put gladness in my heart,
More than when their grain and new wine abound.
8In peace I will both lie down and sleep,
For You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety.
Jesus is asking His Father to help Him in His distress (4:1). How long will we ignore Jesus because we are so distracted by the glamor of worldly things (4:2)? But God will answer the prayers of Jesus, His Holy One8 (4:3). Jesus admonishes us to think about what we are doing before God, to not sin, and to examine our conscience in silence as we lie on our beds (4:4). Be willing to sacrifice to do what is right and trust in God (4:5). We ask for good things and beg Him to look kindly on us (4:6), for we are happier than those who take delight in material success (wine and corn) (4:7). For we feel safe and at peace in the hope of dying and rising again (lying down and sleeping) as Jesus did9 (4:8).

Prayer for life: Lord, I am willing to abandon the ways of the world and make the sacrifices necessary to give birth to my baby. I trust in You and know that by doing the Father's will, I will experience a joy greater than any pleasure the world can offer. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

8The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 683. Print.
9The Orthodox Study Bible 683.

Scripture (Psalms 1-21) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"How wonderful and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in harmony!" Psalm 133:4 (NLT)

Meditation: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall see God.

Meditation: "Saint King David was right when he sang, 'How good it is when bothers live together in perfect union.' It is true, I have felt it often, but it is within sacrifices that this union ought to take place." 

"May the LORD, who made heaven and earth,
bless you from Jerusalem." Psalm 134:3 (NLT)

Meditation: May the Lord bless you and protect you; may he look with favor upon you and be gracious to you; may he give you peace by healing you and providing all that you need to live life abundantly. 

"Praise the LORD!
Praise the name of the LORD!" Psalm 135:1 (NLT)

Meditation: When all is said and done, I will spend my time just praising the Lord.

"They have mouths but cannot speak,
and eyes but cannot see.
They have ears but cannot hear." Psalm 135:16-17a (NLT)

Meditation: Blessed are my eyes for they see God in everything; blessed are my ears for they hear the truth whenever God's word is spoken.

de Lisieux, St. ThérèseLa Bible avec Thérèse de Lisieux. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf et Desclée De Brouwer, 1979. 89. Print. Trans. John P. Gross.


Here is Psalm 3 from my book, "Praying the Psalms for the Unborn Child." 

Psalm 3 

Holy Week
(Morning Prayer of Trust in God.)
Jesus, the blessed man of Psalm 1 in conflict with society in Psalm 2, prays for protection 6. His prayer is our prayer.
1O LORD, how my adversaries have increased!
Many are rising up against me.
2Many are saying of my soul,
"There is no deliverance for him in God."

3But You, O LORD, are a shield about me,
My glory, and the One who lifts my head.
4I was crying to the LORD with my voice,
And He answered me from His holy mountain.

5I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for the LORD sustains me.
6I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people
Who have set themselves against me round about.

7Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God!
For You have smitten all my enemies on the cheek;
You have shattered the teeth of the wicked.
8Salvation belongs to the LORD;
Your blessing be upon Your people!
Evil surrounds Jesus (and us) (3:1), His enemies say that God will not help Him or those who believe in Him (3:2). God is our shield (3:3) and is always listening to our prayers (3:4). Whether asleep or awake, He will protect us. (3:5) No matter the strength of the enemy (fallen angels7) (3:6), He will defeat them (3:7). God is our salvation and He bestows blessings on His people (3:8).

Prayer for life: Jesus, the unborn are being attacked by the wicked just as you were attacked. I know you hear my prayers. Give me the strength to have this baby. Support me through my pregnancy and bless me for saving my child. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

Reardon, Patrick. Christ in the Psalms. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 2000. 5. Print..
The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 683. Print. 

Scripture (Psalms 1-21) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Monday, September 26, 2016

"LORD, if you kept a record of our sins,
who, O Lord, could ever survive?
But you offer forgiveness,
that we might learn to fear you."
 Psalm 130:3-4 (NLT)

Meditation: Father, sinning against you is to sin against myself. Therefore, in your forgiving me, I must also forgive myself.

"Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me."
Psalm 131:2 (NLT)

Meditation: In the silence of the night, I listen for God's whisper. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.

"Let us go to the sanctuary of the LORD;
let us worship at the footstool of his throne." Psalm 132.7 (NLT)

Meditation: Yes, God is present in his Church, but more importantly, God is within me. I am God breathed.

"Here I will increase the power of David; my anointed one will be a light for my people." Psalm 132:17 (NLT)

Meditation: God has chosen us all to be a light to the world.

Here is Psalm 2 from my book, "Praying the Psalms for the Unborn Child." 

Psalm 2

Holy Week
(The Reign of the LORD'S Anointed.)

"This is my only begotten Son. Listen to Him." The man in Psalm 1 has now become God's only begotten Son 4.

1Why are the nations in an uproar
And the peoples devising a vain thing?
2The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers take counsel together
Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3"Let us tear their fetters apart
And cast away their cords from us!"

4He who sits in the heavens laughs,
The Lord scoffs at them.
5Then He will speak to them in His anger
And terrify them in His fury, saying,
6"But as for Me, I have installed My King
Upon Zion, My holy mountain."

7"I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD:
He said to Me, 'You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
8'Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
9'You shall break them with a rod of iron,
You shall shatter them like earthenware.'"

10Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
Take warning, O judges of the earth.
11Worship the LORD with reverence
And rejoice with trembling.
12Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way,
For His wrath may soon be kindled
How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
Psalm 2 describes conditions surrounding our Lord during Holy Week. The Jewish authorities, the secular world, cannot tolerate Him 5. They protest (1:1) and plot against Jesus, the anointed (the Christ) (2:2), and reject God and His Son (2:3). Yet God in heaven laughs at their plans (2:4) and scolds them (2:5). For God has established Jesus as King of His Church (Sion) (2:6) and declared Him to be His begotten Son (2:7), the King over all the earth (2:8), who will judge the nations (2:9). He warns His people to listen to Jesus (2:10) and serve Him (2:11). Jesus will bless those who trust in Him (on Judgment Day) (2:12).

Prayer for life: Dear Jesus, King of all creation, I am also suffering as I struggle to make the right choices. Teach me to serve You as you deserve. Stay with me, Lord, and support me through this trying time. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

Reardon, Patrick. Christ in the Psalms. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 2000. 4. Print.
Reardon 3.

Scripture (Psalms 1-21) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain." Psalm 127:1 (NLT)
Meditation: My house is built on the Rock of Ages.

Meditation: "All the most beautiful speeches of the greatest saints would not be capable of evoking a single act of love from a heart that was not possessed by Jesus."

"Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
who walk in obedience to him." Psalm 128:1 (NLT)

Meditation: Peace comes from doing the will of God.

"But the Lord is righteous;
he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked."
Psalm 129:4 (NLT)

Meditation: The Lord has forgiven my sins, healed me of diseases, saved me from destruction, strengthened me against temptation, delivered me from evil, provided for all my needs, and set me on the path that leads me home. 

de Lisieux, St. ThérèseLa Bible avec Thérèse de Lisieux. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf et Desclée De Brouwer, 1979. 89. Print. Trans. John P. Gross.


Praying the Psalms for the Unborn Child

Today I begin posting excerpts from my book, "Praying the Psalms for the Unborn Child." 

The Catholic Church interprets the Psalms from a Christocentric point of view [1]. Let us pray with Jesus to the Father for the unborn.

Scripture (Psalms 1-21) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture (Psalms 22-23, 25-36) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Scripture (Psalm 24) taken from the HOLY BIBLE, TODAY'S NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Biblica®. Used by permission of Biblica®. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations (Psalms 37-41) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Psalm 1

Proclamation of the Kingdom
(The Righteous and the Wicked Contrasted.)
1How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.

4The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous
6For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.

In this psalm Jesus, the incarnate Lord, born of the Virgin Mary, is instructing us how to live [2]. Jesus (the man) [3] encourages us to avoid sin (1:1) and follow God's precepts (1:2). Those who follow God's ways will prosper (1:3). Those who reject God's ways will be driven away (1:4), separated from the faithful (1:5) and condemned (1:6).

Prayer for life: Dear Lord, You became man to show us how to be holy as the Father is holy. Help me to follow your precepts and to pay no heed to the corrupt voice of a decadent society. May I (the tree) receive the grace (streams of water) to bring my child (fruit) into the world despite the obstacles I face. May my child and I grow strong (not wither) and prosper as we seek to do the Father's will. Amen.

[1] The Orthodox Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 682. Print.
[2] The Orthodox Study Bible 682.

[3] Reardon, Patrick. Christ in the Psalms. Ben Lomond, CA: Conciliar Press, 2000. 2. Print.

Scripture (Psalms 1-21) taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Have a blessed day!


© Copyright 2016 John Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

"What if the LORD had not been on our side?
The waters would have engulfed us;
a torrent would have overwhelmed us." Psalm 124:1,4 (NLT)

Meditation: God is not only on our side, he is behind us, in front of us, below us, and above us. How has God helped you to succeed this week?

"We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap.
The trap is broken, and we are free!" Psalm 124:7 (NLT)

Meditation: I am no longer the man I was. Lord, you have set me free from the chains of sin, fear, and evil that bound me. I am transformed and ready to engage the enemy as a soldier of Christ.

"Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion;
they will not be defeated but will endure forever." Psalm 125:1 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, I overcame the world, the flesh, and the devil by the blood of the Lamb and your superabundant grace.

"Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us!
What joy!" Psalm 126:3 (NLT)

Meditation: Thank you, Father, for all the wondrous things you have done for me.

Have a blessed day!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"He will not let you stumble;
the one who watches over you will not slumber." 
Psalm 121:3 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, you have given your angels charge over me. They keep me in all my ways. Thank you.

"The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever." Psalm 121:8 (NLT)

Meditation: In this life, God is my breath; in the next, he will be my joy.

"I was glad when they said to me,
'Let us go to the house of the LORD.'” Psalm 122:1 (NLT)

Meditation: My delight is to go to the altar of God, to God, the joy of my youth.

"O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls
and prosperity in your palaces." Psalm 122:7 (NLT)

Meditation: (God lives in our hearts, the new Jerusalem.) Father, let your kingdom be established in  my heart, and let it remain there until my heart beats no more. Then I will fly to heaven to live eternally with you in spirit. 

"I lift my eyes to you,
O God, enthroned in heaven." Psalm 123:1 (NLT)

Meditation: I seek you, Lord, just as the wise men sought you following the star of Bethlehem.

Have a blessed day!


Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Guide my steps by your word,
so I will not be overcome by evil." Psalm 119:133 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, your word speaks comfort to me, for I see that you understand me and love me despite all my flaws.

"LORD, how great is your mercy;
let me be revived by following your regulations."
Psalm 119:156 (NLT)

Meditation: I shall not die, but live because I obey God's word.

"Those who love your instructions have great peace
and do not stumble." Psalm 119:165 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, you have made my crooked ways straight again and I am reborn! Alleluia! Your word has brought me peace.

"How I suffer in far-off Meshech.
It pains me to live in distant Kedar." Psalm 120:5 (NLT)

Meditation: (Meshech and Kedar were barbaric tribes near Israel. The psalmist is complaining that it is difficult to live a spiritual life among heathens.) I pray that the wicked will repent, but I will not let them distract me from following the Lord's path. 

"I search for peace;
but when I speak of peace, they want war!" Psalm 120:7 (NLT)

Meditation: Light and darkness are incompatible. I chose the light, but I do not curse the darkness. Rather, I pray that they who abide in the darkness will one day bask in the light of God's peace that "passeth all understanding." 

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Friday, September 16, 2016

"You have done many good things for me, LORD,
just as you promised." Psalm 119:65 (NLT)

Meditation: Thank you, Father, for all the prayers you have answered for me.

"May I be blameless in keeping your decrees;
then I will never be ashamed." Psalm 119:65 (NLT)

Meditation: "Keep my heart pure, Jesus, my tender Spouse!... Cover me with nothing but your shadow today." 

"I am yours; rescue me!
For I have worked hard at obeying your commandments."
Psalm 119:94 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, you saved me because I obeyed your commandments. 

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105 (NLT)

Meditation: I seek the Lord's will in all I do; his word illuminates the road that leads to eternal life.

"I have inclined my heart to do thy justifications for ever, for the reward." Psalm 119:112 (Douay-Rheims Bible)

Meditation: "O my Jesus, you know well that it is not for the reward that I serve you; but uniquely because I love you and to save souls." 

"You are my refuge and my shield;
your word is my source of hope." Psalm 119:114 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord, you are my refuge, my shield, my rock, my salvation, and my only source of hope. 

"I will hurry, without delay,
to obey your commands.
I am even wiser than my elders,
for I have kept your commandments.
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.
I am insignificant and despised,
but I don’t forget your commandments." 
Psalm 119:60,100,105,141 (NLT)

Meditation: "We typically measure experience in years. In his adolescence, the saintly King David sang to his Lord: 'I am young and scorned.' Nevertheless, in the same psalm 118, he is not afraid to say: 'I have become wiser than the elders because I sought to do your will... Your word is a lamp that lights my steps... I am ready to carry out your commandments and nothing will stop me from doing it.'"†  (Although David was young, he had gained more wisdom than those much older than he by studying God's word.)

de Lisieux, St. ThérèseLa Bible avec Thérèse de Lisieux. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf et Desclée De Brouwer, 1979. 88. Print. Trans. John P. Gross.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"I have tried hard to find you—
don’t let me wander from your commands.
11I have hidden your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:10-11 (NLT)

Meditation: Father, because of your word (your commands) and your Word (Jesus), I have overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.

"Open my eyes to see
the wonderful truths in your instructions.
I am only a foreigner in the land.
Don’t hide your commands from me!" Psalm 119:18-19 (NLT)

Meditation: Father, in your Word (law and Jesus) I have found you! Blessed are my eyes, for they see, and my ears, for they hear.

"I have run the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart." Psalm 119:32 (Douay-Rheims Bible)

Meditation: "The Lord's yoke is soft and light. When one accepts it, one feels immediately its sweetness and proclaims with the Psalmist: 'I have run in the way of your commandments since you opened up my heart.' Only charity can dilate the heart. O Jesus, since this sweet flame consumes it, I run with joy in the path of your new commandment (love God with all your heart; love others as I have loved you)... I want to run there until that blessed day when I will be able to follow you in the infinite spaces." 

"Make me walk along the path of your commands,
for that is where my happiness is found...
I will walk in freedom, 
for I have devoted myself to your commandments."
Psalm 119:35,45 (NLT)

Meditation: Father, your Word (commands and Jesus) has set me free from earthly chains to experience the bliss of heaven.

With all my heart I want your blessings.
Be merciful as you promised." Psalm 119:58 (NLT)

Meditation: Lord Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

de Lisieux, St. ThérèseLa Bible avec Thérèse de Lisieux. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf et Desclée De Brouwer, 1979. 87. Print. Trans. John P. Gross.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact. This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and for the glory of God.