Meditation: As I lie down to sleep, Lord, forgive me for the times I failed to follow your will today, and should tonight be my last night on earth, into your loving hands I commend my spirit.
"O LORD, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you." (Psalm 5:1-2)
Meditation: The greatest complement I ever received was that I was a prayerful man. I came from God and I'm going home to God. It is during my morning and evening prayers that I call home and let my Father know how I'm doing. "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees." (William Cowper, hymnist)
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy. For you bless the godly, O LORD; you surround them with your shield of love." (Psalm 5:11-12)
Meditation: I am surrounded by God's love and protection.
Here's the fifth excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Finding in the Temple3
Mary and Joseph, upon their return,
From the feast of Pasch in Jerusalem, Learned that Jesus, now twelve, had stayed behind. They thought He was with the other children. How could we lose such a precious treasure? Had we erred and God was displeased with us? They searched three days for their heavenly gift, Deeply grieving at the loss of Jesus. Did He sleep in the street or beg for food? Was He abducted when they departed? At wits end, to the Temple they repaired, Back to where their journeying had started. What a sight to behold within the room, Their Son and the wise exploring doctrine. Without rebuke, more a loving complaint, Mary spoke of losing Him with chagrin. "Did you not know," He quietly replied, "I must be about My Father's business? We must be willing to leave all behind, including loved ones, to be God's witness." |
3de Liguori, St. Alphonsus. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ. Brooklyn, NY: Redemptorist Fathers, 1927. 283-284. Print.
Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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