Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Return, O LORD, and rescue me. Save me because of your unfailing love.
" (Psalm 6:4)

Meditation: The Lord hears my crying and lifts my burdens.

"I come to you for protection, O LORD my God." (Psalm 7:1)

Meditation: I count on the Lord to help me overcome my struggles.

"God is my shield, saving those whose hearts are true and right." (Psalm 7:10)

Meditation: The Lord rescues me from all my fears.


Here's the sixth excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Baptism in the Jordan

The Son of David did answer the call
Of the one who was crying in the wild.
For He was the one the prophets did say,
Would reinstate our kinship as God's child.

Time stood still as their eyes met each other,
Each knowing the other's mission to bear.
John to prepare them; Jesus to heal them,
The King's royal road uphill would start there.

The One without sin had come to be cleansed,
But John knew the lamb of God would forgive.
More than just plant a new spirit within,
The Messiah would teach us how to live.

Our Savior rose from the sacred water,
Wings of a dove and heaven all around,
As His Father proclaimed Him as His Son,
Who would cause divine mercy to rain down.

We are also the Father's favored ones.
He bestows His blessings upon us all.
He beckons us to be His disciples,
To abide in His house when we are called.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Monday, April 25, 2016

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe."  (Psalm 4:8)
Meditation: As I lie down to sleep, Lord, forgive me for the times I failed to follow your will today, and should tonight be my last night on earth, into your loving hands I commend my spirit.

"O LORD, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you." (Psalm 5:1-2)

Meditation: The greatest complement I ever received was that I was a prayerful man. I came from 
God and I'm going home to God. It is during my morning and evening prayers that I call home and let my Father know how I'm doing. "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees." (William Cowper, hymnist)

"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy. For you bless the godly, O LORD; you surround them with your shield of love." (Psalm 5:11-12)

Meditation: I am surrounded by God's love and protection.


Here's the fifth excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Finding in the Temple3

Mary and Joseph, upon their return,
From the feast of Pasch in Jerusalem,
Learned that Jesus, now twelve, had stayed behind. 
They thought He was with the other children.

How could we lose such a precious treasure?
Had we erred and God was displeased with us?
They searched three days for their heavenly gift,
Deeply grieving at the loss of Jesus.

Did He sleep in the street or beg for food?
Was He abducted when they departed?
At wits end, to the Temple they repaired,
Back to where their journeying had started.

What a sight to behold within the room,
Their Son and the wise exploring doctrine.
Without rebuke, more a loving complaint,
Mary spoke of losing Him with chagrin.

"Did you not know," He quietly replied,
"I must be about My Father's business?
We must be willing to leave all behind,
including loved ones, to be God's witness."

3de Liguori, St. Alphonsus. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ. Brooklyn, NY: Redemptorist Fathers, 1927. 283-284. Print.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Victory comes from you, O LORD. May you bless your people."  (Psalm 3:8)
Meditation: Lord, you are my shield, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head. (Martin Luther)


Here's the fourth excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Presentation2

Mary and Joseph, as required by Law,
Brought their child before God in the Temple.
Priest and victim, Jesus offered Himself.
With these words, He yielded Himself in full:

"I'm here, Father, to give my life to You,
So that all sinners may be forgiven,
and Your divine justice be satisfied.
For their salvation, have mercy on them."

Simeon, a holy man, was waiting
To greet the Messiah before his death.
For he had been promised by the Spirit
That he would see Him before his last breath.

Embracing the child, God's promise fulfilled,
His life complete, it was time to let go. 
He'd seen the salvation prepared for all,
And glory on his Israel bestowed.

This child would reveal His Father to us.
Mary's heart would be pierced because of Him.
Accepted or rejected, this God-Man
Was the one who would save us all from sin.

2de Liguori, St. Alphonsus. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ. Brooklyn, NY: Redemptorist Fathers, 1927. 270-271. Print.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

"The LORD said to me, ‘You are my son. Today I have become your Father.'"  (Psalm 2:7)
Meditation: I am a child of God.


Here's the third excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Nativity1

God gave us His only Son, all He had.
That we return His love, His only wish.
Trusting a baby to bring out our best,
He knew this poor child our lives would enrich.

Bethlehem's long journey over rough roads,
Worse in mid-winter this dangerous way.
Mary and Joseph with God's Providence,
Endured all with love for our sins to slay.

God imprisoned in the womb, slave to love,
With full reason, without means to express.
His eyes without vision, tongue without speech,
Hands without touching, unable to bless.

Stable for nursery, straw for cradle,
Rags for clothes and animal's breath for heat.
His light burned bright and the world knew Him not, 
Except for shepherds and kings from the East.

A sight to behold, hearts overflowing,
Kings overcome, with holiness beguiled,
The first gentiles to receive the good news,
Presented their gifts to Mary's sweet child.

1de Liguori, St. Alphonsus. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ. Brooklyn, NY: Redemptorist Fathers, 1927. 215-269. Print.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

"God cannot be grasped by the mind. If he could be grasped, he would not be God." - Evagrius of Pontus (Egypt, 345-399 AD)

If God's ways are so far above our ways, then why did God even create us in the first place? I was taught as a young boy that God created us to know, love and serve him, and to be with him forever in heaven. 

That actually tells us a great deal about God: God is love. In fact, God is so loving that He could not contain his love. He had to share it by creating us and this beautiful universe we live in. Now that's a lot of love! And when we had lost our way, he sent Jesus to show us the way back home. 

Jesus liked to keep things simple. He distilled the commandments and the beatitudes into a simple rule: love God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love others as the Father loves you. 

Saint Augustine said that there is only one rule: "Love and do what you like." He knew that one who loves would always be doing what is pleasing to the Father.

Perhaps just knowing that God is love is all I need to know about God. I'll leave the rest to the theologians.

With love, I leave you with this blessing:

May the Lord bless you and protect you; may he look with favor upon you and be gracious to you; and may he give you peace by providing all that you need to live life abundantly. Amen.


Today's psalm quote:

"But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them." (Psalm 2:4)
Meditation: No matter what the enemy tries to do, the Lord is on the side of those who seek to do his will.


Here's the second excerpt from my book, Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

The Visitation 

We lived in a world full of miracles, 
Where an angel came bearing God's good news.
Elizabeth in her old age believed.
The truth her speechless husband did refuse.

Carried by Mary to Elizabeth,
God came out of love to visit one day.
Mary's Son, Jesus, did fill John with grace,
Blessed the cousin who would prepare His way.

Jesus' announcement of the kingdom,
Even before they were born, had begun.
From womb to womb the message was made known:
John would proclaim to all God's only Son.

How is it you visit me, sweet Mary?
The Lord's love for me needs no testament.
Why even at the very sound of you,
The child in my womb stirred with excitement

"I am here to proclaim the Lord's goodness.
In God my Savior do I now rejoice.
His favor rests upon me, His servant.
His sacred promise fulfilled by my choice."

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

"But his will is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he shall meditate day and night." (Psalm 1:2)

Meditation: I delight in doing all that the Lord wants.


Over the years I have composed some prayer books. I would like to share them with you. I will post excerpts from each book in this blog. I begin today with Rosary Poetry: Poems on the life of Jesus Christ. Enjoy!

Rosary Poetry: Poems on the Life of Jesus Christ

The Annunciation

God sends His messenger
To a young Jewish girl,
Praying for the Messiah
To arrive in her world.

God hears His people's cries,
A prayerful symphony.
The angels of heaven
Sigh for love's company.

Heaven arrives on earth,
Bated breath, time stands still.
Divine promise to keep,
Prophecy to fulfill.

"You will bring forth a Son.
Endless mercy and love.
A champion of the poor,
Descended from above."

- I am sworn to the Lord.
My fruit a life of prayer.
"He'll be a gift from God.
His Spirit you will share."

- I am the Lord's handmaid.
What you wish I will do.
God's will, not mine, be done.
I acquiesce to you.

Copyright © 2010 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material must be done in its entirety with the copyright notice intact This book is not for sale, but is offered to the public free of charge for the glory of God, in deep appreciation for the mercy and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I created this blog to share some of my ideas on God that I have distilled over the years. At 67 years of age, I have had plenty of time to look back over my life and see all of the good things God has done for me and my family. And yes, there have been some sad times in my life, just as there have been in yours, and we'll talk about those as well.

For most of my life, God has been on my mind. Raised in the Catholic church, I wrestled as a young man with the thought of becoming a priest. Although my parish priest tried to recruit me, I had discovered girls and knew deep down that I just couldn't live without them!

My wife, Donna, and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary August, 2015, so I know I made the right choice! We have two wonderful children, Julie and Paul, and a cat who, when she is awake, responds to the name of Dixie.

I've worked in advertising sales, been a home and hospital French and Spanish teacher, and for 15 years ran a Disney travel business online, I retired and shuttered the business in 2015. Until recently, I was a docent/tour guide for the Seton shrine in Emmitsburg, Md. Now I am completely retired and am waiting for God to let me know what he wants me to do next.

I will be posting some observations about the word of God, how to read his signs to us, and thoughts about him that might be of help to you.

Why am I writing this blog? I feel that God is calling me to feed his sheep, to bring light to a world of darkness, and perhaps more importantly, to let you know that he loves you very much.

I welcome your comments and questions. In an internet world of indistinguishable faces, perhaps you and I can get to know each other a little better. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing whatever is on your mind. I may not have the answer you're looking for, but perhaps it will do us both good to talk about it.

God loves you,
